Using a Custom Evaluator (for custom tasks) =========================================== Even though 3DB focuses on computer vision, it can also be used to solve a myriad of possible tasks. We enable users to describe their own evaluation tasks in 3DB. Out of the box, the frameworks supports: * Classification (:mod:`threedb.evaluators.classification`) * Object Detection (:mod:`threedb.evaluators.detection`) The procedure for extending evaluators in 3DB is as follows: #. Implement a subclass of the base class :mod:`threedb.evaluators.base_evaluator`. #. Have your file export the class under the name ``Evaluator``. #. Make sure it can be imported in your current environment (via ``$PYTHONPATH``, ``pip install -e ...``, ...). #. Update the configuration file to use the newly defined evaluator. Implementation --------------- Below, we provide an example implementation of custom evaluator for an image segmentation task. We'll briefly outline each of the required steps below---for more detailed documentation of each abstract function, see the :mod:`threedb.evaluators.base_evaluator` module. 1. We'll start by importing the required modules and subclassing the :mod:`~threedb.evaluators.base_evaluator.BaseEvaluator` class. In order for the subclass to be valid, we need to declare two variables, ``KEYS`` and ``output_type``. At a high level, the purpose of any evaluator is to map from a (model prediction, label) pair to an arbitrary dictionary summarizing the results---the ``KEYS`` variable declares what the keys of this dictionary will be. The ``output_type`` variable is only used by the dashboard to visualize the results, and can be any string. .. code-block:: python from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Any import torch as ch import json from threedb.evaluators.base_evaluator import BaseEvaluator class ImageSegmentation(BaseEvaluator): # The output_type variable needs to be defined; it can be any string and # is only used by the dashboard to decide how the results are displayed. output_type = 'segmentation' # The KEYS variable needs to match the keys in declare_outputs # and summary_stats. KEYS = ['is_correct', 'loss', 'seg_map'] 2. Next, we implement the init function: this can take arbitrary arguments and should set up everything that the evaluator needs to generate metadata about model predictions. For our segmentation evaluator, we'll need (a) a file mapping model UIDs to classes; (b) an error threshold at which to call a segmentation "correct;" and (c) the size of the segmentation maps produced. .. code-block:: python def __init__(self, model_uid_to_class_file, l2_thresh, im_size): # In order to implement methods in this class you probably # will need some metadata. Feel free to accept any argument # you need in your constructor. You will be able to populate # them in your config file. self.model_to_class = json.load(open(model_uid_to_class_file)) self.l2_thresh = l2_thresh self.im_size = im_size 3. The next abstract function we have to implement is :meth:`~threedb.evaluators.base_evaluator.BaseEvaluator.get_segmentation_label`, which takes in a model uid and should return a label to be used in the segmentation map (i.e., the segmentation map will be -1 wherever the backgroiunds visible, and X wherever the model is visible, where X is the output of this function). Below is a function that uses the provided JSON file to return this label: .. code-block:: python def get_segmentation_label(self, model_uid: str) -> int: # The output of this function will be the value associated # to pixels that belongs to the object of interest. label = self.uid_to_targets[model_uid] return label[0] if isinstance(label, list) else label 4. Next, we implement the :meth:`~threedb.evaluators.base_evaluator.BaseEvaluator.declare_outputs` function---this must return a dictionary with keys equal to the ``KEYS`` variable declared earlier, and values equal to tuples of the form ``(shape, type)``. In particular, ``shape`` should be a list describing the shape of the tensor that will be returned, and ``type`` should be a PyTorch dtype: .. code-block:: python def declare_outputs(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[List[int], str]]: # The goal of this method is to declare what kinds of metrics # the evaluator will generate. return { 'is_correct': ([], 'bool'), 'loss': ([], 'float32'), 'seg_map': (self.im_size, 'float32') # Any other metrics you want to report! } 5. The next step is to declare the ``get_target`` function, which takes in (a) the UID of the rendered 3D model and (b) the ``render_output`` dictionary consisting of the render output (for the built-in Blender engine, this thankfully already comes with a "segmentation" key!), and returns the desired ground-truth that our segmentation model's output will be compared to: .. code-block:: python def get_target(self, model_uid: str, render_output: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> LabelType: # returns the expected label (whatever label means for this specific task) return render_output['segmentation'] 6. The last and most important step is the ``summary_stats`` function, which takes in a model prediction and a label (the output of ``get_target``) and returns a dictionary that has the same keys as KEYS, and values that are PyTorch tensors with the declared shapes and types from ``declare_outputs``. For example, assuming the model outputs a segmentation map, we might return something like the following: .. code-block:: python def summary_stats(self, pred: ch.Tensor, label: LabelType, input_shape: List[int]) -> Dict[str, Output]: # This method is used to generate the metrics declared in # declare_outputs() using the output of to_tensor() and # get_target(). loss = (pred - label).norm() is_correct = ch.tensor(loss < self.l2_thresh) return { 'is_correct': is_correct, 'loss': loss, 'seg_map': pred # You can add as many metrics as you want as long # as you match declare_outputs } 7. Finally, don't forget to export your class under the ``Evaluator`` variable! .. code-block:: python # IMPORTANT! Needed so that threedb is able to import your custom evaluator # (since it can't know how you named your class). Evaluator = ImageSegmentation That's it! We've implemented all the functions needed to add a custom task to 3DB. Updating the configuration file ------------------------------- You should update the ``evaluation`` section of your configuration file: .. code-block:: yaml # ... rest of YAML file evaluation: module: "" args: model_uid_to_class_file: "/path/to/mapping/file" l2_thresh: 10. im_size: [1, 224, 224] render_args: engine: 'threedb.rendering.render_blender' resolution: 256 samples: 16 with_segmentation: true