Creating a Custom Logger ======================== 3DB provides logging functionality for storing data that might be relevant for model debugging. Although the library comes with a base set of Loggers (:mod:`threedb.result_logging`), we provide an overview of the steps for customizing them based on problem-specific needs. We will illustrate this by implementing a custom ``CSVLogger`` that outputs basic informations about a render to a CSV file. Implementation -------------- First we have to subclass the provided base class: :class:`threedb.result_logging.base_logger.BaseLogger`: .. code-block:: python from threedb.result_logging.base_logger import BaseLogger class CSVLogger(BaseLogger): pass In order to make this a valid logger, we need to provide implementations of two abstract functions: ``__init__``, and ``log()``. .. code-block:: python def __init__(self, root_dir: str, result_buffer: BigChungusCyclicBuffer, config: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: super().__init__(root_dir, result_buffer, config) fname = path.join(root_dir, 'details.csv') # Where we will store the data self.handle = open(fname, 'w') # Opening the file self.regid = self.buffer.register() # Obtain a unique logger id (see Note below) self.first = True Next, we need to implement the ``log()`` function, which is called whenever a new result is available to log. .. code-block:: python def log(self, item): if item is None: self.handle.close() # We close the file handle when there is nothing left to log # The item argument will contain all information about the job that we are logging # and the key 'result_ix', which tells us where in the buffer the data for the # results is located. # To access the results themselves we simply have to index the buffer with this index. rix = item['result_ix'] # Getting the index buffer_data = self.buffer[rix] # Getting the result information if self.first: # We write the headers of the file if this is the first row param_keys = list(item['render_args'].keys()) self.handle.write(['Id', 'correct'] + param_keys) self.handle.write('\n') self.first = False self.handle.write(','.join([item['id'], buffer_data['is_correct']] + list(item['render_args'].values()))) self.handle.write('\n'), self.regid) # IMPORTANT: We tell the buffer we are done with the data Finally, since Loggers are dynamically loaded based on the configuration file, the framework need to know which object to load from the module. By convention we ask that logger modules export the ``Logger`` field. So we simply have to add: .. code-block:: python Logger = CSVLogger Our custom logger is now fully functional. .. note:: To ensure that they do not perturb and/or slow down the scheduler, each logger runs in a separate python process. But, because the amount of data generated is substantial, we found that transmitting the data from the scheduler to the Logger classes was a major bottleneck. As a result, we decided to use shared memory instead. The scheduler places the information in a buffer and passes a reference instead. Because we eventually need to release the memory used for a result, we maintain a reference counter for each entry in the buffer in shared memory. To be able to keep track of Loggers, they have to request a unique identifier from the ``BigChungusCyclicBuffer``. Moreover, they have to notify the buffer when they are done reading the information from the buffer using ``free()``. This way the scheduler will reuse the memory for an upcoming render. Failure to do so will result in the system hanging when the buffer is full of unreleased entries. Updating the configuration file ----------- Once your custom logger is defined, the only thing you have left to do is to add it to your configuration file in the ``logging`` section: .. code-block:: yaml logging: logger_modules: - "" Here, ```` should point to the file containing your custom logger class (e.g., the file containing the code snipped from the example above). In general, you can make your custom logger module available in any way you see fit, for instance: * Make a pip package * Add the proper folder to ``$PYTHON_PATH`` * Create and install a local package