Getting started with 3DB ======================== In this page, we'll go through all the steps to run a 3DB experiment out-of-the-box. Requirements """"""""""""" You will need a working Python 3.x installation. To follow the rest of this page, you will also need `Anaconda `_. Installation """"""""""""" To get started with 3DB, run the following command to install Blender and setup 3DB: .. code-block:: bash curl | bash /dev/stdin threedb This creates a conda env that has ``threedb-preview``, ``threedboard``, and all other dependencies for 3DB. Then, activate 3DB's conda environment: .. code-block:: bash conda activate threedb You are now ready to start running 3DB experiments! .. note:: If you would like to contribute to 3DB, you can clone our repo and install it manually as follows: .. code-block:: bash git clone pip install 3db/ ---- Run a simple experiment """"""""""""""""""""""" Now we will demonstrate how, in only few minutes, you can setup an experiment and generate the following images of a cup rendered with random orientations on various backgrounds. .. thumbnail:: /_static/backgrounds_example.png :width: 700 :group: background Each 3DB experiment requires a ``BLENDER_DATA`` folder that contains two subfolders: + ``blender_models/``, containing 3D models of objects (each 3D model is a ``.blend`` file with a single object) + ``blender_environments/``, containing environments (backgrounds) on which we will render the objects For this simple experiment, we provide an `example repository `_ that contains all the 3D models and environments you need. Clone the example repository and navigate to that folder: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd blog_demo Then, update the ``BLENDER_DATA`` variable to point to the location of the 3D models and environments. In our case, set it as follows: .. code-block:: bash export BLENDER_DATA=data/backgrounds .. note:: There are three available experiments in ``blog_demo``: * ``backgrounds``: renders a 3D models on various backgrounds. * ``texture_swap``: renders a 3D model with various textures. * ``part_of_object``: renders a 3D model in various poses, then creates an attribution heatmap. Here, we focus on the ``backgrounds`` experiment. Refer to `this README `_ for steps on how to run the other experiments. Next, define the output directory where 3DB will output the results. .. code-block:: bash export RESULTS_FOLDER=results The next step is to tell 3DB what configurations of 3D objects to render, how to evaluate the rendered images, and what data to log. These should all be specified inside a ``YAML configuration file``. Here, we provide example YAML files, which are also in the same `example repository `_ that you already cloned. Later on we will walk you through `how to write your own configuration files `__. .. tabs:: .. tab:: base.yaml .. code-block:: yaml inference: module: 'torchvision.models' label_map: '/path/to/3db/resources/imagenet_mapping.json' class: 'resnet18' normalization: mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] resolution: [224, 224] args: pretrained: True evaluation: module: 'threedb.evaluators.classification' args: classmap_path: '/path/to/3db/resources/ycb_to_IN.json' topk: 1 render_args: engine: 'threedb.rendering.render_blender' resolution: 256 samples: 16 policy: module: "threedb.policies.random_search" samples: 100 logging: logger_modules: - "threedb.result_logging.image_logger" - "threedb.result_logging.json_logger" .. tab:: backgrounds.yaml .. code-block:: yaml base_config: "base.yaml" policy: module: "threedb.policies.random_search" samples: 20 controls: module: "threedb.controls.blender.orientation" module: "" zoom_factor: [0.7, 1.3] aperture: 8. focal_length: 50. module: "threedb.controls.blender.denoiser" .. tab:: texture_swaps.yaml .. code-block:: yaml base_config: "base.yaml" controls: module: "threedb.controls.blender.orientation" rotation_x: -1.57 rotation_y: 0. rotation_z: [-3.14, 3.14] module: "threedb.controls.blender.position" offset_x: 0. offset_y: 0.5 offset_z: 0. module: "threedb.controls.blender.pin_to_ground" z_ground: 0.25 module: "" zoom_factor: [0.7, 1.3] view_point_x: 1. view_point_y: 1. view_point_z: [0., 1.] aperture: 8. focal_length: 50. module: "threedb.controls.blender.material" replacement_material: ["cow.blend", "elephant.blend", "zebra.blend", "crocodile.blend", "keep_original"] module: "threedb.controls.blender.denoiser" .. tab:: part_of_object.yaml .. code-block:: yaml base_config: "base.yaml" render_args: engine: 'threedb.rendering.render_blender' resolution: 256 samples: 16 with_uv: True controls: module: "threedb.controls.blender.orientation" rotation_x: -1.57 rotation_y: 0. rotation_z: [-3.14, 3.14] module: "" zoom_factor: [0.7, 1.3] view_point_x: 1. view_point_y: 1. view_point_z: 1. aperture: 8. focal_length: 50. module: "threedb.controls.blender.denoiser" module: "threedb.controls.blender.background" H: 1. S: 0. V: 1. The first file, ``base.yaml``, contains common configurations that are used by the three other YAML files. Each of the other YAML files corresponds to one of the aformentioned experiments. We will use the ``backgrounds.yaml`` already present in the example repository. You are now ready to run 3DB! ---- Running the master node ........................ First, run the ``master node``, which schedules the rendering tasks (for clients). This will keep running until all the rendering tasks are complete. No rendering will start before you run at least one client (as we will show you below). .. code-block:: bash # Run the following command to spawn the master node, then go to the next section to (concurrently) run the clients. threedb_master $BLENDER_DATA backgrounds.yaml $RESULTS_FOLDER 5555 Running the clients ........................ In a separate terminal window, run the ``client``, which performs the rendering. To do so, make sure that 3DB's conda environment is activated and that the ``BLENDER_DATA`` variable is properly set. .. code-block:: bash conda activate threedb cd blog_demo export BLENDER_DATA=data/backgrounds Then run 1 client (you can run multiple clients in parallel to speed up the rendering) using the following line of code: .. code-block:: bash threedb_workers 1 $BLENDER_DATA 5555 Running the dashboard ........................ A few seconds later, you will have your first results in ``results/``! You can explore the results in a web interface by installing and running our threedb dashboard (``threedboard``): .. code-block:: bash python -m threedboard $RESULTS_FOLDER This page will display the results via ``threedboard``. Below are examples of rendered images that you will see in the dashboard! .. thumbnail:: /_static/dashboard_example.png :width: 700 :group: background Analyzing the results ........................ You can also read the .json log file in $RESULTS_FOLDER into ``pandas``, and analyze the results. For example, you can run the following python script, which is also in the demo repository: .. tabs:: .. tab:: .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json with open('results/details.log') as file_pointer: log_lines = file_pointer.readlines() with open('results/class_maps.json') as file_pointer: class_map = json.load(file_pointer) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(list(map(json.loads, log_lines))) df['prediction'] = df['prediction'].apply(lambda x: class_map[x[0]]) df['is_correct'] = (df['is_correct'] == 'True') res = df.groupby('environment').agg(accuracy=('is_correct', 'mean'), most_frequent_prediction=('prediction', lambda x: x.mode())) print(res) *Congratulations! You have successfully completed your first 3DB experiment!* Next, we'll break down how to `write your own configuration files `__, and other ways to view your results. For advanced users, the `Customizing 3DB `_ section of this documentation will help you customize and exploit the modularity of 3DB.